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2023 – 2024 Next Moves Workplan#

For two years we’ve worked together addressing climate, energy and waste goals while improving our community’s equity and resilience.  

When we adopted the Our Climate Future (OCF) plan, we committed to check in every two years and update the community. Now it’s time to celebrate our successes and work together to determine what and how we pursue next. 

Major accomplishments#

In just two years we’ve made major accomplishments: 

  • We passed the 50% threshold for renewables energy powering the electricity needs for our whole community. Large scale renewable projects—wind power—and individual community members installing and adopting their own rooftop solar installations helped make that possible.  
  • City Council approved a contracted residential waste collection strategy. This new strategy will increase access to residential yard trimmings services and help reduce costs to community members for ongoing waste services.   
  • Staff created two pathways to make significant progress toward the carbon mitigation targets of 50% and 80%, and 100% waste diversion. There is still a gap to achieving each, and we are calling on community leaders to help.

An Invitation to join and to lead#

We still have more to do, and our goals means fundamental transformations in:  

  • How we power and condition our homes and businesses 
  • How we get around town and use the goods and services we need  
  • What happens to materials that currently end up in a landfill 
  • That work, to ensure that our sustainable future is equitable and climate resilient, will take all parts of our community. 

Whether you are a resident, business owner, commuter, or visitor, consider this plan an invitation to get involved and find your place of leadership in Our Climate Future. It’s also a recognition of all the ways you may already be working toward this future.  

(find out more about how you can get involved [button and link to appropriate page and information])  

Community partnerships are critical to reach all of Fort Collins and to expand leadership opportunities. This process recognizes that authentic and respectful relationships are the foundation to develop and sustain community partnerships. OCF uses three general governance models for implementation of Next Moves: 

Community-led – How can the community take ownership and action, build capacity, and organize, secure funding and resources, and leverage but not depend on direct City support?  

Co-led – How can jointly-led projects share leadership and influence, distribute roles, recognize strengths, and respect existing governing structures?  

City-led – How can the City increase community influence on our work and increase accountability for equity?

OCF Feature: Natural Areas Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategic Plan#

An illustration of a Community Consultants.

The Natural Areas’ Department DEI Strategic Plan sets the goals, vision, and values for aligning the conservation work done by the department with best practices in equity and inclusion. By collaborating with a community consultant on this project, we were able to identify gaps and bias when it came to the inclusion of the Fort Collins community in our efforts. The DEI Strategic Plan will continue to evolve over the next several years and prioritize the inclusion of BIPOC connections to the landscape as well as the inclusion of diverse groups in our workforce, programming, and decision-making. 

Quote – Jordan: "One of the special things about Fort Collins is the abundance of protected natural areas in the City and close by. I feel privileged to have helped evaluate ways to ensure our natural areas are accessible and welcoming to all residents. Accessibility to our natural areas encourages everyone in our community to appreciate and take action to protect our environment and the natural and cultural resources all around us. I’m grateful to have been a part of a project that priorities inclusivity for everyone in the community and will be used to recognize and prioritize the participation of indigenous and other BIPOC community members."

How OCF moves forward—Big Moves and Next Moves#

Big Moves are the specific, transformational outcomes that will help us reach our goals. 

To move us toward that Big Moves, we identify and work on Next Moves—specific strategies for how the community will simultaneously address climate, energy and waste goals.  

Every two years, city staff and community members work together to review and refine our Next Moves. This lets us adjust strategies over time to fit the community’s needs and respond to market and technology developments.  

Our Climate Future’s evolving shared leadership model is an intentional approach to foster new and growing partnerships in the community to scale results while improving equity and resilience outcomes.

Big Moves, Next Moves, and Pathways#

Big Moves describes the transformational outcomes which connect our specific goals for climate, energy, and waste with the community's definition of a sustainable Fort Collins.

Next Moves are the specific strategies and tactics that lead to transformational outcomes of the Big Moves. Each Big Move has an associated set of Next Moves. The Next Moves are evaluated for their impact on goals, benefits and costs, potential results for improving equity, and resilience.

Pathways are groups of Next Moves with results that drive toward a specific outcome. Current Pathways are summarized for electricity, buildings, transportation, industrial manufacturing, waste, and land use.

An illustration of two Community Consultants that helped the city.

Priority Next Moves


Explore Our Priority Next Moves

An illustration of two Community Consultants thinking about data.

Carbon Mitigation Next Moves


Learn More About Our Carbon Mitigation Efforts

An illustration of Community Consultants working on the reusable bag program.

Waste Reduction Next Moves


Read More About Waste Reduction

2023 – 2024 Priority Next Moves#

OCF Feature: Healthy Homes Environmental Justice EPA Grant#

An illustration of two Community Consultants that helped the city.

Community Consultants joined City staff on an interdisciplinary working group that was formed to work towards the vision of all Fort Collins community members having a healthy, energy efficient and resilient home environment.

The group aimed to do this through updating the Healthy Homes, indoor air quality, program based on community feedback. The Community Consultants were integral in the development of a program that upholds the community values of accessibility, practicality and trust. 


  • Chris: "A lo largo de las semanas que trabaje en el proyecto de EJEPA de Healthy Homes me sentí parte de un grupo muy completo de personas profesionales y sobre todo dispuestos a escuchar no solo las necesidades de las comunidades de Fort Collins sino en específico las necesidades de la comunidad hispana a la que represento, participar cada sesión y cada reunión de zoom fue enriquecedor por amabas partes, cada tarea cada trabajo a realizar me entusiasmaba, por el simple echo de saber que el proyecto estaba avanzando tal cual los grupos de enfoque y peticiones recomendaron, esto me llena de orgullo por haber participado todas estas semanas en un proyecto que nos escuchan  a nosotros los hispanos!!"
  • Indigo: "The most valuable part of my work on the EJEPA project was having a seat at the table— to participate in how the program was designed to fit actual community needs and wants. The team that I worked with regarded myself and the other community representative as real collaborators, listening to and incorporating our perspectives and feedback."

Enabling Next Moves#

Our Climate Future recognizes that to create an adaptable and healthy community in the face of climate change, our actions must: 

  • Go beyond greenhouse gas reductions. 
  • Include ways to share leadership and ownership of climate work with all in the community. 
  • Address exclusion and historical inequities so that all parts of the community feel the benefits of this work. 
  • Continue to prepare for the real changes in climate that the community is already experiencing.  

The Next Moves detailed below are those that advance community leadership, equitable processes and outcomes, and climate preparedness and resilience. Though they may not directly lead to measurable reductions in greenhouse gas emissions or waste generation, they are essential to the success of all the strategies. 

Next Move & Reference  Planned action(s)  Leadership  Success milestone(s) 
Reimagine the Community Advisory Committee (SLCP9)  Launch Community Equity Committee in 2023  City-led – Sustainability Services; exploration of how to defer power to the committee   Queen’s Legacy Foundation and several community members formed the Climate Equity Action Network in 2022 to develop recommendations for centering this reimagined committee in equity 
Implement revised structure for Community Consultants program  Support departments across the City in hosting Community Consultants  City-led – Sustainability Services  15 Community Consultants in 2022 (9 compensated, 6 volunteers). These individuals contributed to projects across the City including the Natural Areas Equity Strategic Plan, Environmental Justice EPA grant for indoor air quality, and culturally appropriate Spanish translations for the Shift campaign. 
Identify opportunities where the City and the community can partner on funding applications to advance Our Climate Future Big Moves (SLSP2)  Received funding for community led next moves and will be launching a Community Partnership grant using a curated engagement and vetting approach. 

Co-led  - Sustainability Services 


Community Partnership grants will be available beginning in Q2 2023. 
Next Move & Reference  Planned action(s)  Leadership  Success milestone(s) 
Update the Water Efficiency Plan, a Council-approved and State-required guiding document for water conservation and efficiency. 

Establish water use reduction targets and prioritize water conservation and efficiency strategies (programs, policies, codes, and plans) based on modeled water savings potential, equitable outcomes, and factors such as cost and feasibility.  

Engage City staff from multiple departments and community for input on overall goals and specific strategies. Work with consultants to foster broad, equitable engagement and equity analysis of conservation and efficiency strategies. 

City-led, Water Conservation (Utilities),   

with input from other City departments, consultant(s), community and stakeholders. 

Broad engagement of City staff and public to inform selection of specific conservation/efficiency strategies and equity analysis metrics. Present Plan to City Council and submit to Colorado Water Conservation Board in 2024. 


Adopt a holistic approach to integrated water resource planning and management  Fort Collins Utilities is developing an organizational structure to better align operations and planning efforts across Water Utilities; and leading a cross-departmental team to 1) strengthen communication and teamwork and 2) enhance, develop, and implement collaborative projects, programs and plans that foster integrated water management.    City-led, Utilities with input and operational improvements across Community Services, Community Development & Neighborhood Services, Sustainability Services.  The Water Utility leadership and senior staff team will be developing strategies and operational improvements for the Water Utility in 2023.  The One Water Leaders (OWL) Team was created in 2020 and meets quarterly to discuss water related projects, programs, and plans.  In 2023, the OWL Team will support the development of the WEP and other water planning efforts. 
Explore and adopt water-wise landscaping standards. 

Identify landscape, soil and irrigation management standards that support water efficiency outdoors. 

Develop a multi-year plan for phased adoption of codes and standards. 

Adopt phase 1 in 2023. 

City-led, Utilities  

Community vetting of proposed standards through in-person, hybrid, and digital engagement opportunities.  

City-supported education opportunities to foster a shift from traditional grass landscapes to sustainable landscapes.  

Community buy-in of sustainable landscape practices which may look like an increasing number of participants in turf replacement programs, landscape renovations, installations that are more aligned with sustainable landscape guidelines. 

Explore education and techniques for awareness “smoke ready” community.  

Improved monitoring and messaging to be better prepared for wildfire and smoke impacts. 

City-led, Sustainability Services  In 2023, explore funding for monitoring and educational strategies for effective community awareness of local Air Quality. 
Explore incorporating Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in the planning and development of infrastructure and other City projects.    Collect input from City departments on a framework for more intentionally evaluating NbS. Evaluate the need for continued education and exposure to NbS strategies  City-led, Utilities, Forestry, Natural Areas, Community Development & Neighborhood Services    Determine consistent path forward for NbS, and identify the potential resources or expertise needed in implementing an NbS framework.   
Municipal innovation funding  Funding that goes towards innovative projects across the City organization that are connected to municipal sustainability goals   City-led, ESD Leading by example  $100,000 distributed to 12 projects to be completed in 2023 across several departments that increase efficient resource use, staff efficiency, staff safety, belonging, and wellbeing. In 2024 a committee will be convened again to distribute $100,000  to projects to be completed in that year.
Next Move & Reference  Planned action(s)  Leadership  Success milestone(s) 
Re-evaluate rental licensing program with proactive inspections  Rental registration options being evaluated by City Council and community stakeholders. Being proposed is a rental property enrollment and proactive rental inspections to help achieve the goal of providing residents healthy, stable housing they can afford.   City-led, Sustainability Services and Neighborhood Services  Review and evaluate rental registration strategy with City Council in Q1 and Q2 2023, with a goal of program adoption in Q2 2023, and subsequent funding in late 2023. 
Mobile home park compliance and efficiency evaluation   Hire a 2-year contractual position to implement a mobile home park community improvement effort including neighborhood clean-up events and efficiency upgrades  Co-led, Utilities Energy Services - City of Fort Collins will partner with local communities and leverage funding from community-based organizations and other state/federal resources  Two-year demonstration project beginning in Q1 2023 that will result in improved housing and living conditions in mobile home parks. The demonstration project should outline the feasibility for this to be an ongoing program to improve housing.  
Next Move & Reference  Planned action(s)  Leadership  Success milestone(s) 
Update the Economic Health Strategic Plan   City staff with the assistance of selected consultant, will be updating the City’s Economic Health Strategic Plan. The Economic Health Strategic Plan will include a focus on circular economy. Staff is working closely with the consultant to develop strategic recommendations and an implementation plan that will support the local economy and community. 

Co-led, Economic Health Office with City and consultant  

with input from community and stakeholders 


Conduct stakeholder engagement, asset mapping, benchmarking research, and cluster verification. Incorporate discovered data into a comprehensive strategic plan. 



Launch revised Sustainable Business Recognition program  After successful pilot of revised sustainable business program, City will help create new business recognition program to be implemented by outside organization.  Community-led, Economic Health Office - City will initially provide direction and resources for a new organization to lead the revised program.  Conduct request for proposals for community led leadership of business recognition program, with an ultimate selection of community partner by Q2 2023 to lead revised Business Recognition program. Intend to launch revised program in 2023. 
Create a Small Business Strategic Plan  Developing a small business strategy that includes new ideas, as well as the inclusion and integration of small business intersections from other City-wide and department plans.   City-led, Economic Health Office  EHO will hosts a series of team strategy meetings in Q1 2023, then develops draft plan in Q2 2023. The City will conduct reviews with key stakeholders in April, while developing revised metrics/opportunities to track success  
Add programming to the Multicultural Business and Entrepreneur Center (MBEC)   The MBEC has the resources and capacity to add workshops/curriculum in English and Spanish (working to include additional languages too). MBEC will also provide mini technical assistance grants to help business owners grow or add infrastructure to their existing business.  

City-led, Economic Health Office 


Quarterly workshops, adding curriculum later this year, grants targeted to launch March 1.  
Sustainable revenue resources  City staff has presented a number of sustainable funding strategies for resources within the categories of parks & recreation, Transportation, affordable housing and climate mitigation strategies. 

City-led, Sustainability Services 

Get direction from Council Finance Committee and City Council regarding the selection of funding mechanisms and allow uses for community consideration.  
Next Move & Reference  Planned action(s)  Leadership  Success milestone(s) 
Establish an Urban Forestry Strategic Plan  Strategic plan funded for 2023 – 20-year vision/strategy with focus on canopy cover goals/metrics, canopy disparities, operational/financial gaps and alignment with local/regional plans.  City-led - Forestry Division and consultant informed by community participation.  Equity centered stakeholder and community engagement proposed for Q3 2023. Proposed rollout of plan in Q2 2024. 
Evaluate best strategies and funding mechanisms to protect local tree canopy  Continue development and deployment of strategies to protect Emerald Ash borer and other invasive  Co-led – Forestry Division with community landowners.  Equity centered stakeholder and community engagement proposed for Q3 2023. Proposed rollout of plan in Q2 2024. 

Development of 1041 Environmental regulations 


Finalize stakeholder comment period in Q1 2023 and consideration for council adoption in Q2 2023. 

City-led, Development Review 


Adoption of code will regulate activities and areas of statewide interest. Improved projects outcomes will include Natural Area protections. 
Continue Oil and Gas regulation 

Propose additions to the Land Use Code, continue working with Larimer County and the State of Colorado to address concerns for well sites abutting City Limits, and terminate the existing Operator Agreement 


City-led, Development review with input from Community partners  Adopt a comprehensive regulatory framework through Land Use Code Development Standards and Operational Standards to mitigate negative impacts of oil and gas development. 
Protect and expand natural habitats as growth occurs  City to continue to explore specific strategic land purchases, sometimes opportunistically.  City-led, Natural Areas  Open one new natural area within the Fort Collins Growth Management Area in 2023 and successfully onboard an additional new natural area in the GMA, including establishing a plan to open for public use, in 2024.  
Explore opportunities for the City to recognize historical BIPOC connections to the land.  Work with community especially indigenous connections, and explore ways to support BIPOC-led eff orts around land  City-led Natural Areas  Prioritize recognition strategies and other Natural Areas and City policies to enable indigenous traditions and connection to land. 
Next Move & Reference  Planned action(s)  Leadership  Success milestone(s) 
Department of Transportation SMART grant   In partnership with Panasonic Smart Mobility Office and Center for Transportation and the Environment (CTE) the City is developing a plan to establish a Smart Grid system to ensure municipal electric vehicles are charged efficiently without overburdening the electric grid.   City-led: Led by example  Conduct a pilot study of current charging practices using managed charging software, Study feasibility of integration of charging management into the existing Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS) platform utilized by Fort Collins Utilities, Study value, including potential cost savings, to Fort Collins Electric Utilities’ ratepayers created by managed fleet charging and other fleet activities that utilize City services and resources, Assess how to accelerate electrification plans utilizing grant funds and public/private partnership investments.

OCF Feature: OCF Approach to evaluation and reporting#

An illustration of two Community Consultants thinking about data.

In the past, climate work has been represented using a single, quantitative metric of reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, but with the OCF systems-approach of centering equity and climate resilience in addition to mitigation (reduction of GHGs), assessment and reporting must transform into increased understanding of the day-to-day experiences, perspectives and needs of our community, paired with cycles of communication and improvements. A group of City staff and community volunteers began gathering in 2022 to tackle this work and are continuing to meet in 2023.  


  • Jim: "I have worked with many municipal and citizen action groups who have initiated programs to address improving the environment and community resiliency due to the climate emergency.  Traditionally, these efforts evaluate success by using metrics and measurements that fail to fully consider the financial and social impacts to the most vulnerable and marginalized in the community. It is exciting to be working with a team of citizen volunteers and municipal employees who have decided to prioritize the use of equity, inclusion and sustainability over those measurements generally used like pounds of CO2 or tons of waste reduced. Our work intends to meet climate goals while improving the lives of all our community members."
  • Bruno: "I have enjoyed building relationships with diverse people coming from variety backgrounds in this group, sharing the attention to and intention of comprehending the why of equity and the how to achieve an ongoing understanding of the journey of equity through forms of assessment. I am excited about the future of this work, especially when it supports increasing democratic processes and participation in Our Climate Future."

Carbon Mitigation Next Moves#

This chart below shows the forecasted community emissions reductions from now to 2030.

Figure 1

The OCF framework supports achieving community and Council environmental priorities using a data-informed, systems-based approach. This is especially true for carbon mitigation strategies. OCF uses a robust modeling tool to organize and track strategies and outcomes with connections to important decision points and milestones for Council or community actions along the way. 

The Next Moves articulated below support reaching the following goals with quantifiable outcomes:  

  • Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 50% by 2026, 80% by 2030 and (below 2005 baseline levels) and carbon neutral by 2050 
  • Provide 100% renewable electricity by 2030 with grid and local sources 

Pathways are groups of Next Moves with results that drive towards a specific outcome. Current Pathways are summarized for electricity, buildings, transportation, industrial manufacturing, waste and land use. They are high-impact strategies that include, though are not limited to, Council actions. The current total estimated potential from all the quantified Pathways is a 70% GHG emissions reduction by 2030. See Figure 1. The gap between this projection and the 80% by 2030 target will primarily need to be addressed by additional community/partner action and will also be influenced by external factors. 

  Equity Resilience Mitigation Cost
Low (L) In the daily lived experiences of BIPOC and historically underrepresented individuals and communities. Little to no increase in preparedness for climate change impacts and/or the ability to withstand other shocks. Marginal impact on carbon or waste inventory (less 0.5% or 10,850 MTCO2e or 1.4M lbs.) Less than $1 million.
Medium (M) Moderate potential for improvement in the daily lived experiences of BIPOC and historically underrepresented individuals and communities. Moderate increase in preparedness for climate change impacts and/or the ability to withstand other shocks. Moderate impact on carbon or waste inventory (between 0.5% and 2.5% or 10,850 to 54,300 MTCO2e or 1.4< to 6.95M lbs.) $1 to $10 million.
High (H) Substantial potential for systemic or institutional change and/or significant improvement to the daily lived experiences of BIPOC and historically underrepresented individuals and communities. Substantial increase in preparedness for on or more climate change impacts and/or the ability to withstand other shocks. Significant impact on carbon or waste inventory (more than 2.5% or 54,300 MTCO2e or 6.95M lbs.) More than $10 million.


Big Move 12 –100% Renewable Electricity  

Next Move Reference  Planned action(s)  Leadership  Success milestone(s)  Mitigation Impact  Equity & Resilience Impacts
Continue to implement Distributed generation incentives for local renewable energy (RE4)  Continue and expand rooftop solar through general solutions for rates, incentives and interconnection (residential and commercial). A new Shared Energy Systems offer will help multifamily building owners and tenants host local solar arrays.  City-Led, Utilities with support from local contractors Community and council supports adoption of local renewable resources through budget and policy approvals.  M M
Add utility scale renewables to increase non-carbon generation (RE2)  Work with local power provider Platte River Power Authority on resourcing non-carbon electricity. Platte River's target is 90% non-carbon by 2030, using a combination of wind & solar. Establish how we can best position ourselves within an energy market.  Co-led, Utilities and Platte River Power Authority  City Council to advocate for non-carbon resource generation with PRPA leadership  H L
Enable grid flexibility through software and partnership (EEFB1)  Collaborate with Platte River power authority on future grid management. Electric grid management is dependent on several software systems optimized to help distribute power.  Co-led, Utilities and Platte River Power Authority  Council support budget and community willingness to adopt smart technologies  M L

Big Move 6 –Efficient Emissions-Free Buildings 

Next Move Reference  Planned action(s)  Leadership  Success milestone(s)  Success milestone(s) Equity & Resilience Impacts 
Building Electrification (EEFB4)  Launch incentive and education strategy for natural gas to electric fuel switching focused on space and water heating. Evaluate other electric focused appliances and consumer products Co-led, Utilities and local contractors  Community members consider efficiency and electrification leveraging revised Utilities policies and incentives.  M M
Launch Building performance Standards requirements (EEFB7)  Building performance standards establish minimum performance of the existing building stock, resulting in improved efficiency, improved air quality, and a healthier more prosperous community. Add Muni vs. Community strategies

City-led, Utilities and Sustainability Services,  

Lead by Example 

Council adopts community member recommended policy for commercial and multifamily buildings. MUNI already covered. H M
Expand grid flexibility programs (EEFB1)  Add solar and battery systems, and electric cars to utility operations 



Demonstration of new functionality by Q3 2022  L M
Develop paths to zero carbon building codes (EEFB2)  Collaborate with community and consultants to create building code pathway to 2030 


Utilities and Development Review 

Plan ready by end of 2023 and begin to implement next building code cycle  M M
Explore home energy score listing (EEFB8)  Identify peer city programs and collaborate with community for specific tactics 



Conceptual plan ready by end of year  M L
Reduce industrial air pollution emissions (EEFB10)  Partnering with local industrial leaders to develop strategies to reduce emissions  City-Led, Sustainability Services  Annual reporting of results  H L

Big Move 4 – Convenient Transportation Choices 

Next Move Reference  Planned action(s)  Leadership  Success milestone(s)  Mitigation Impact  Equity & Resilience Impacts 
Build bicycle facilities as identified in Active Modes plan (CTC1)  Implement bicycle education and infrastructure planning as determined in the Active Modes plan  City-Led,  FC Moves  Adopt Active modes plan and support City budget offers related to bicycle infrastructure and education   M M
Implement a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program (CTC6)  TDM employs policies, programs, information, services, and tools to reduce drive-alone trips and facilitate a shift to sustainable transportation choices

City-led, Transfort,  

Lead By Example 

Stakeholder engagement in 2023 to better define program H H
Transition to emissions free public transit (ECF2)  Transfort has a comprehensive plan to implement electrified public transportation fleet. City owned public transportation methods are a source of emissions in our community. This leading by example mechanism helps directly impact emissions as contributes to overall awareness of electric options  Co-led, Transfort and community partners  Support and advocate for additional state resources. Implement Department of transportation grant awarded to City in 2023  L M
Expand local public transit and coverage and frequency (CTC3)  Investments in equitable access to, and expansion of, all sustainable modes of travel with emphasis on growing transit ridership City-led, Transfort  Continue to evaluate existing transportation metrics to determine needs and community engagement L M

Big Move 13 – Electric Cars and Fleets 

Next Move Reference  Planned action(s)  Leadership  Success milestone(s)  Mitigation Impact  Equity & Resilience Impacts 
Assess community needs for electric vehicle infrastructure programs (ECF1)  Utilities planning and infrastructure evaluation project focused on likely charging loads across the community  Co-led with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory  Conduct load evaluation on system feeders for DERs including EVs  L L

Big Move 5 – Live, Work, Play Nearby 

Next Move Reference  Planned action(s)  Leadership  Success milestone(s)  Mitigation Impact  Equity & Resilience Impacts 
Evaluate the number and diversity of housing types via update to Land Development Code (LWPN4)  Continue to engage Council and community in the development of a revised Land Development Code to enable increased potential for density in neighborhood zoning City-Led Complete Q2 and Q3 community engagement for council consideration L M

Waste Reduction Next Moves#

Fort Collins residents and businesses throw away almost 100,000 tons of trash a year (about 3 lbs. per person per day), much of which could be reused, recycled or composted to add value and benefit back into the regional economy. Although it is possible to increase waste reduction, services focused on recycling and composting are not yet available to all community members.  

OCF Next Moves focus on waste reduction by improving infrastructure and expanding access to reuse, recycling, and composting services. 

OCF Feature: Reusable bags in the community#

An illustration of Community Consultants working on the reusable bag program.

To prepare the community for the paper bag fees at grocery stores in 2022, the project team partnered with the Community Connectors to distribute three free reusable bags to 300 households and share the bag ban/fee community handouts. The Community Connectors were essential in bridging the gap for the City to reach Spanish-speaking community members. In addition, their work was part of the City's efforts to distribute over 10,000 free reusable bags to support the transition for community members to reusable. 


  • The Group: “As Community Connectors and members of the Hispanic community, working on this sustainable project was an enriching experience. There was a great acceptance when receiving the information that was provided about the changes on the new dynamics in the use of sustainable bags. It is important to highlight the empowerment that was achieved because we, as residents of their community, sent the information and reusable bags to their homes.” 
  • The Group: “Como Community Connectors y miembros de la comunidad hispana, trabajar en este proyecto sustentable fue una experiencia enriquecedora. Hubo una gran aceptación al recibir la información que se les proporcionó acerca de los cambios sobre la nueva dinámica en el uso de las bolsas sustentables. Es importante resaltar el empoderamiento que se logró debido a que nosotros cómo vecinos de su comunidad  les hicimos llegar  hasta sus hogares la información y las bolsas reusable.” 
Next Move Reference  Planned action(s)  Leadership  Success milestone(s)  Mitigation Impact  Equity & Resilience Impacts 
Explore reusable cup program with local coffee shops  A Fort Collins coffee shop is piloting a reusable cup program in a local store Community-led, Community Partners    L M
Expand community culture of re-use and sharing economy  Support and accelerate existing and new efforts such as libraries, gifting groups, thrift industry, shared meeting & work spaces Co-led, Sustainability Services and Community Partners       
Expand recycling education to remove barriers for BIPOC and historically underrepresented groups   Building on work to identify barriers to recycling, this next move seeks to expand recycling education to the community overall while specifically removing barriers to BIPOC and historically underrepresented groups City-led, Sustainability Services     L L
Explore Universal Composting Ordinance and Related Composting Infrastructure/Facilities This strategy considers already identified pathways to regional composting infrastructure and explores alternative pathways to ensure the community can move forward on this important step in community diversion in a timely fashion City-led, Sustainability Services    H M
Develop/ adopt commercial & industrial policy for yard trimmings This next move explores regulating commercial and industrial yard trimmings in some fashion through a policy process with City Council. Assuming the adoption of a contract for waste hauling that includes residential yard waste collection, industrial and commercial yard trimmings are the last sources of yard waste to be diverted City-led, Sustainability Services       
Implement contracted residential waste collection including expanded yard trimmings In 2022, City Council explored creating a contract for residential waste hauling in Fort Collins. This next move continues the work on through adoption and into implementation preparations City-led, Sustainability Services    H H
Next Move Reference Planned action(s) Leadership Success milestone(s) Mitigation Impact Equity & Resilience Impacts
Continue to explore ways to further reuse and recycle soil from City projects   One of the major drivers of community industrial diversion is industrial waste and the City’s own materials are a large portion. The most promising way to further recycle soils and other municipal industrial materials is to hire a municipal industrial waste coordinator. This position will be sought through upcoming budgeting processes  City-led, Sustainability Services  Fund a municipal industrial waste coordinator position  L L
Increase compliance of existing construction and demolition waste regulations Construction and demolition waste is one of the key contributors to landfilled waste in Fort Collins. Existing regulations require construction sites to recycle, however compliance is low. Since 2022, an environmental compliance officer has been identifying practices to increase compliance. Many of these practices will be implemented in 2023 City-led, Sustainability Services, Neighborhood Services Determine roles in partnerships for implementing waste regulations L L
Implement Circular Economy strategies related to waste from updated Economic Health Strategic Plan In late 2022 and the first half of 2023, City staff will be updating the City’s Economic Health Strategic Plan (also an OCF next move) with a first-ever focus on circular economy. Staff will begin implementing identified circular economy strategies in 2023 and 2024. Some of these key strategies will be listed individually in the 2025/26 Next Moves Plan and show up in both Big Move 2 and Big Move 9 City-led, Sustainability Services Adopt Economic Health Strategic Plan and fund circular strategies M M

COMMUNITY LED actions needed – Gap Assessment#

There are many areas in the Our Climate Future plan where the City acknowledges we are not in the best position to lead, and need leadership from community partners. We invite individuals or local organizations to contribute to Our Climate Future efforts by leading and engaging in the following areas. Often times there may be a business opportunity for organizations to focus in this space or grants available to start up a specific effort. 

Next Move  City Gap Assessment 
Multilingual business and work force development programs  Community members need more access to contractors and other service providers that can assist in a transition to a more sustainable, clean energy future
Leverage federal Climate and Economic recovery funding for local efforts  The City is not be best positioned to offer tax advice on the credits being offered through various federal funding efforts. Financial partners are needed to help the community with navigating the resources to invest locally in the community 
Coalition of business partners focused on sustainability efforts  Other organizations may be better positioned to apply resources available to collaborate individually with local businesses on best practices in waste diversion education and other sustainability efforts 
Continue education and awareness of individual community members to practice sustainable behaviors  While the City will continue with educational efforts, Sity staff do not have the reach to the entire community to educate on the benefits of individual efforts. Every little bit will help. This is a call to all community members to take action. Find out more information in our Home and Action guide on the OCF website 

More info and resources#

The City plans to update this Next Moves Workplan every two years with new priorities and strategies for achieving the outcomes of Our Climate Future. Follow along and get more information at

Annual metrics and results of community wide efforts can be found at the Community Dashboard here: